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[Matt Morin] Whammy Bars and Ovaries: Forming Christian Disciples with Rage Against the Machine

Matt Morin makes a very, very welcome return appearance to the blog with his contribution to the festschrift.  If you’ve read Matt’s work before, you already know you’re in for a treat.  If you haven’t, read on, as Matt combines RATM, the writings of Subcomandante Marcos, and the bit in “Conceiving Parenthood” related to Lysol and feminine hygiene.  Best wishes to each of you for a safe and restful Thanksgiving holiday, from KNS and ALH.


We in wit the wind below

Flip this capital eclipse
Them bury life wit IMF shifts, and poison lips
Yo they talk it, while slicin’ our veins yo so mark it
From the FINCAS overseers, to them vultures playin’ markets

She ain’t got nothin’ but weapon and shawl

She is Chol, Tzotzil, Tojolobal, Tzeltal
The tools are her tools, ejidos and ovaries
She is the wind below

-Rage Against the Machine, “Wind Below”

 In his 1992 essay titled “A Storm and a Prophecy,”[1] the anonymous EZLN rebel known as Subcomandante Marcos tells of a powerful “wind from above.” This wind—neoliberal economic and governmental policy—with its strong gusts of foreign tourism, harsh penal code, police brutality, and corruption among high-ranking officials, has swept through Mexico, leaving a trail of destruction throughout the communities of indigenous campesinos. Every day, “Pemex [the national oil company]… sucks outs 92,000 barrels of petroleum and 517,000,000,000 cubic feet of gas,” Marcos writes mournfully. And as the company ravages Chiapas’s Lacandona Jungle with impunity, the starving “campesinos are not allowed to cut down trees to cultivate. Every tree that is cut down costs them a fine that is 10 times the minimum wage, and a jail sentence.”[2]

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[Kara Slade] A Sermon for the Nineteenth Sunday After Pentecost

There were several sermons contributed to the festschrift for Dr. Hall, one of which was by me (Kara Slade).  It was preached at Church of the Nativity, Raleigh, NC, and at Durham Resurrection Community on October 23, 2011.

Matthew 22:34-46

When the Pharisees heard that he had silenced the Sadducees, they gathered together, and one of them, a lawyer, asked him a question to test him. ‘Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest?’ He said to him, ‘ “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.” This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: “You shall love your neighbour as yourself.” On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.’

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Dirty Deeds: The Occupy Movement and the Rhetoric of Disgust

The Durham Resurrection Community, an incipient Nazarene house church that sometimes meets here on Green Street, may meet tonight with the Occupy Durham people downtown, near an iconic civic sculpture of a very well-endowed bull.  I have not written yet about the Occupy movement – for several reasons.  First, I have been busy mothering my two girls, exploring Durham with the bear (see “My Encounter with a Mountain Lion”), and planning upcoming courses.  Second, I am much more comfortable with the form of activism in the IAF model, and I have been waiting to see whether our local IAF is going to become involved.  But it seems time to say something.

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[Shannon Craigo-Snell] The Goodhousekeeping Panopticon, or Why I Don’t Do Yoga

Today’s guest post, another contribution to the recent festschrift, comes from Shannon Craigo-Snell, who is currently serving as Professor of Theology at  Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary.  Many thanks again to Shannon for her wit and wisdom.

At this point in my life, my aversion to yoga has become visceral. When someone extols the virtues of daily yoga practice, both my stomach and my fists quietly clench.  Yoga itself isn’t the problem; I have taken yoga classes in the past, practiced at home, and found the experience wonderful. My adverse reaction is more complex than simple dislike for yoga, and I came to understand it through Amy Laura Hall’s evocative phrase: “the good housekeeping panopticon.”[1]

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