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Postcard from Darlington


My first NASCAR race!  Now I understand why they call it “Thunder Road!”  I won’t register here exactly which expletive I used when the cars made their first full-speed round right by me. But, yea, I get it.  My bones rumbled.  It was a full day!  Nick from Motor Racing Outreach spoke a true word on loving speech from the book of James.  Melanie hosted kiddies, moms, and daddy-drivers in a traveling house of hospitality.  And Elliott explained why evangelism is about patience over pancakes, year after year, rather than a fast tract at the track.  Thanks, Missy!  Hope our team won!  (Yeah, I couldn’t stay the whole race.  After a full day of trailing MRO, I was too dang tired.  And my ears hurt.)

On Kierkegaard’s 200th Birthday

Hans Ulrich has been very kind about my work.  He suggested to me once in conversation that, while my first book (Kierkegaard and the Treachery of Love) is about Kierkegaard, my second book (Conceiving Parenthood:  American Protestantism and the Spirit of Reproduction) is my attempt to inhabit Kierkegaard.  And so is my third.  Teaching Kierkegaard’s texts is a joy, but I am not terribly invested in creating more Kierkegaard scholars per se.  I am happiest when one of his texts surprises a young, pious student into the realization that Christianity is often more amenable to delicate fairy tales than to managerial plans, logical proofs, or other sorts of ecclesial body-armor. Read more

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